Hair Loss

Hair loss is a very common problem that almost all people encounter in a certain period of their lives. Hair loss, which is more common in men, usually begins at the age of 25 and affects almost 70% of all men throughout their lives.

If the number of hairs shed has increased and it is felt that the hair has lost its health and its density then there is a hair loss problem.

Hair loss, which progresses individually at different speeds, starts with the back of the forehead hairline, thinning and thinning of the hair in the anterior and apex, and may progress up to the opening of the entire apex over time. These losses in hair, which constitute a very important part of the external image may cause serious psychological problems as well as physical.

For a variety of reasons such as environmental factors, air pollution, stress, fatigue, malnutrition, chronic diseases, some drugs used, hormonal causes, genetic predisposition and harmful chemicals in cosmetics, the hair quickly goes to a rest period and the number of falling hair strands increases.

The type of hair loss must be examined by a dermatologist before proceeding to treatment. Because, hormonal, metabolic and nutritional effects can cause the hair loss and an effective  treatment is never possible without eliminating these factors.